Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Passionflower on lavender

Passionflower (Passiflora caerulea) has climbed over a bed of lavender. This lavender is labeled Lavandula spica rosea, which should have rose colored flowers. The current synonym for Lavandula spica is Lavandula angustifolia. Picture taken August 30, 2010.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Clethra alnifolia

Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird'. Clethra alnifolia is often called Summersweet. Picture taken August 27, 2010.

Clethra has its own small plant family, the Clethraceae.

Clethra alnifolia is part of the autochthonous flora of the New Jersey pine barrens.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rex begonia and Torenia

Begonia x rex-cultorum 'Fedor'.

Link to Begonia x rex-cultorum:

Link to Begonia x rex-cultorum:

With Torenia 'Torrie Blue'. Picture taken August 27, 2010.

Link to Torenia:

Link to Torenia:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Carex elata 'Aurea'

Carex elata is a sedge native to Northern Europe and Asia. This cultivar of Carex elata is used to give a golden yellow color to gardens. This is Carex elata 'Aurea', a.k.a. Bowle's Golden Sedge. Picture taken August 25, 2010.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Butterflies on Zinnia haageana

The flower is Zinnia haageana 'Sombrero'. The butterfly is a Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus). Picture taken August 26, 2010.

This butterfly is a female Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes). Picture taken August 25, 2010.

Silver-spotted Skipper on Lantana camara

The butterfly is a Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus), feeding on Lantana camara 'Bandana Rose'. Picture taken August 25, 2010.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Buckeye butterfly on Zinnia angustifolia

Buckeye butterflies (Junonia coenia) have been swarming this Zinnia angustifolia 'Crystal White'. Picture taken August 22, 2010.

Link to Junonia coenia:

Link to Junonia coenia:

Link to Zinnia angustifolia:

Link to Zinnia angustifolia 'Crystal White':

Ornamental peppers

This is a variety of ornamental pepper, Capsicum annuum 'Black Pearl'.

This is the ornamental pepper, Capsicum annuum 'Purple Flash'.

This is the ornamental pepper, Capsicum annuum 'Calico'.

All pictures taken August 22, 2010.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Two varieties of strawflower at Purdue Horticulture Gardens. Pictures taken August 19, 2010.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dwarf goldenrod 'Golden Baby'

Dwarf goldenrod, Solidago 'Golden Baby'. Picture taken August 19, 2010.

Link to Solidago 'Golden Baby':

More on Solidago:

Many-flowered Sunflower

This is Helianthus x multiflorus, the Many-flowered Sunflower. Picture taken August 19, 2010.

Link to Helianthus x multiflorus:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Alocasia and Colocasia

This is an Alocasia, cultivar 'Calidora'. Alocasia, along with Colocasia, Xanthosoma, and Caladium are commonly called elephant ear plants. They are all members of the Araceae family of plants. As a rule of thumb the leaves on Alocasia go in the same direction as the petioles, usually pointing upwards. The leaves on Colocasia and Xanthosoma are attached at an angle to the petioles, usually pointing downwards.

Link to Araceae:

This is another Alocasia at Purdue Horticulture Gardens.

Here are two varieties of Colocasia esculenta. The Colocasia with the speckled leaves is Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito'. The plant with the black leaves is Colocasia esculenta 'Imperial Illustris'. Pictures taken August 13, 2010.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Castor bean plant 'Carmencita'

This is a castor bean plant, Ricinus communis 'Carmencita'. Picture taken August 8, 2010.

Link to previous post on Ricinus communis:

Link to Ricinus communis:

Carmencita was the first female performer in the movies, here is a link:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pulmonaria longifolia ssp. cevennensis

This is Pulmonaria longifolia subspecies cevennensis. The cevennensis part of the name comes from its native locality, the mountainous Cévennes region of southern France. Picture taken August 7, 2010.

This plant's region is the setting of Robert Louis Stevenson's Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes, one of the first works of outdoor travel literature.

My way lay up the bald valley of the river, along the march of Vivarais and Gévaudan. The hills of Gévaudan on the right were a little more naked, if anything, than those of Vivarais upon the left, and the former had a monopoly of a low dotty underwood that grew thickly in the gorges and died out in solitary burrs upon the shoulders and the summits. Black bricks of fir-wood were plastered here and there upon both sides, and here and there were cultivated fields. A railway ran beside the river; the only bit of railway in Gévaudan, although there are many proposals afoot and surveys being made, and even, as they tell me, a station standing ready built in Mendemap. A year or two hence and this may be another world. The desert is beleaguered. Now may some Languedocian Wordsworth turn the sonnet into patois: ‘Mountains and vales and floods, heard YE that whistle?’

At a place called La Bastide I was directed to leave the river, and follow a road that mounted on the left among the hills of Vivarais, the modern Ardèche; for I was now come within a little way of my strange destination, the Trappist monastery of Our Lady of the Snows. The sun came out as I left the shelter of a pine-wood, and I beheld suddenly a fine wild landscape to the south. High rocky hills, as blue as sapphire, closed the view, and between these lay ridge upon ridge, heathery, craggy, the sun glittering on veins of rock, the underwood clambering in the hollows, as rude as God made them at the first. There was not a sign of man’s hand in all the prospect; and indeed not a trace of his passage, save where generation after generation had walked in twisted footpaths, in and out among the beeches, and up and down upon the channelled slopes. The mists, which had hitherto beset me, were now broken into clouds, and fled swiftly and shone brightly in the sun. I drew a long breath. It was grateful to come, after so long, upon a scene of some attraction for the human heart. I own I like definite form in what my eyes are to rest upon; and if landscapes were sold, like the sheets of characters of my boyhood, one penny plain and twopence coloured, I should go the length of twopence every day of my life.

--Robert Louis Stevenson, Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstonne'

This is Rudbeckia nitida 'Herbstonne'. This is an ornamental commercial Rudbeckia cultivar thought to be derived either from Rudbeckia nitida or Rudbeckia lacinata or both. The true native Rudbeckia nitida is native to parts of the Southeastern US and is an endangered species. This cultivar should not be used for habitat restoration as it could outcompete and displace the original native genotype.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Painted Lady butterfly on Tithonia

This is a Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) feeding on the Tithonia rotundifolia at Purdue Horticulture Gardens. Picture taken August 7, 2010.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Zinnia marylandica

This is Zinnia marylandica 'Zahara Coral Rose'. Picture taken July 27, 2010.

Link to last year's Zinnia marylandica post:

Ligularia dentata

This is Ligularia dentata 'Othello'. Picture taken August 2, 2010.

Link to Ligularia dentata 'Othello':

Link to Ligularia dentata:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tiger Swallowtail butterfly on Tithonia

This is Tithonia rotundifolia, a favorite target of butterflies, at Purdue Horticulture Gardens. The butterfly on this Tithonia is a Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus). The blue color at the back of the hind wings indicate it is a female. Picture taken August 2, 2010.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Deam's Coneflower

This is Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii, Deam's coneflower. Picture taken July 30, 2010.

Deam's coneflower is a rare plant in the wild, Charles Deam was the first to find it and he only found it in two places in Indiana. The first place he found it (the type location) was in 1914 in Carroll County on the bank of Wildcat Creek close to where the Monon Railroad crossed the creek. After 1916 he never was able to find it there again.

Link to Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii:

Link to Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii:

Link to Rudbeckia fulgida complex: