This is a hawthorn tree, at the SE corner of the Horticulture Building. It's just starting to flower. As the season progresses you'll notice that different plants come into flower at different times, and the hawthorns start to flower after you see the plum trees and the redbuds flowering. You can tell which trees are hawthorn trees from far off because the white flowers are in clusters and not scattered thoughout the tree. The flower clusters of the hawthorn are called
corymbs, so now you know, don't go around calling them umbels. This particular tree is a downy hawthorn (
Crataegus mollis). I know because there's a sign under it that says so. You find hawthorn trees out in the wild in places like woods' edges and fencerows. It's hard to tell one species from another out there, so when you find them just call it a hawthorn or
Link to CrataegusLink to Crataegus mollisPictures taken April 24, 2009.