Fothergilla has a striking look to it, with the white pincushion flower clusters. The showiness of the flowers is due to the white stamens, there aren't any petals. There are a couple Large Fothergillas (
Fothergilla major) guarding the entrance to the Horticulture greenhouses.
Fothergilla major in the picture above is at the front door of the greenhouses.

The other
Fothergilla major at the front door of the greenhouse.
Link to Fothergilla major:
Some plants are easy to identify. This dwarf fothergilla (
Fothergilla gardenii) is in the Purdue Discovery Park area. The flower is getting old, notice the dropped stamens scattered on the ground.

Another view of the dwarf fothergilla (
Fothergilla gardenii) around the Discovery Park buildings. They planted a lot of this here. This is not too far from the Horticulture Gardens, about three blocks west past Russell St. and Intramural Drive.
These pictures were taken May 1, 2009.
Link to dwarf fothergilla (Fothergilla gardenii):